Empathy In Across The Narrow Sea By Hilary Mantel

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The reader’s sympathy and his knowledge of Thomas through the narration of the text.

When reading a book or a text, the reader could experience many feelings. Depending on which situation a specific personage faces he could be affected emotionally. In the text “Across the Narrow Sea”, Hilary Mantel tells a part of the story of the young Thomas Cromwell. This passage shows many situations that he has faced. The reader could see for example when his father was beating him and also when he decided to leave home at the age of fifteen. Regarding those two of the several situations that this young boy has gone through, the reader faces many feelings and empathy for the main personage that Thomas is. The next part of this essay will be about to show and to justify which feelings the reader could feel when reading this story. The first part of this paper will show that when reading this text, the reader could face the feeling of sadness. Then it will show how the narrator could transmit feelings of happiness and surprise to the reader when he reads certain parts of the story. And finally, it will present the feelings of revolt that the reader can face.

The first feeling that the reader could face when he reads this text is a feeling of sadness. In fact, the story begins with the scene where Thomas, the principal character is beaten by his father. The narrator presents Thomas who is suffering and bleeding. He is so weak that he thought that he was about to die. His father was