Empire Vs Roman Empire Essay

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It is amazing how one man can bring harmony and order to a group of people. Throughout history people can see how power and control can be either a really good principle or really bad. The Roman Empire was a very structured government; it thrived on order and control. Empires like the Carolingian wanted order and control but did not quite hit the mark. The Roman Empire had more structure in Leadership, but The Carolingian Empire had more adversities. The Roman Empire during the, Pax Romana 27 B.C.E to 180 C.E, was one of the greatest empires civilization has ever seen. The Empire was organized and extremely efficient. The Roman kings had what they called an, “Imperium”. The king had the right to command people. He could enforce his laws by physical force, jail, and by hefty fines. The way a king got chosen was a very specific procedure. The Senate would pick some candidates, and then the people would vote on who they thought would make a great king. The Senate and the king served for life. The king would summon the Senate to advise him on …show more content…

The king from Franks names Charlemagne was appointed to be the emperor. The crowning was an attempt to awaken the Rome Empire because no one was ruling the eastern part of it. The Carolingian Empire suffered many loses. They had a civil war between the years 840-843. Right after that Emperor Louis the Pious passed away. The death of Louis caused a division of the kingdom. The different kingdoms wanted to be autonomous, but still have an Emperor. In the year 884, a man by the name of Charles the Fat decided to bring the kingdoms together for the last time ever. He unfortunately passed away in the year 888 causing massive repercussions in the kingdom. The Carolingian Empire drastically split up into various kingdoms and continued to split up as time went on. The Carolingian Empire and The Roman Empire were very different, but one definitely had the upper

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