Enda Vs. Adele In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

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Enda vs Adele

In this essay of The Awakening by Kate Chopin, the main character of the story is Edna Pontellier. Other important characters are Adele Ratignolle, Mr. Ratgnolle, Robert Lebrun, and Leonce Pontellier who were all Creoles. In the Creole society the men are dominant. Creole's accept outsiders to their social environment very often, and women were expected to keep the homes clean and take care children. Edna and Adele are friends who are different because of their the way they were brought up. Adele is a wife who always obeys her husband no mater what. Edna is a woman who strays from her husband and does not listen to her husband very often. Chopin uses Adele to emphasize the differences between her and Edna.

Since Edna Pontellier is not a …show more content…

They understood each other so well. “If ever the fusion of two human beings into one has been accomplished on this there it was surely in their union"(93). Adele wanted children every two years. She already has a total of 3 children and number 4 is right around the corner. All she would think about every day is her having more children. If her children were to get hurt, they would come crying and she would make them feel better. She would always be sewing for her children and would always talk about them. Sometimes she would ponder if she should leave her children behind and leave with Edna. Adele is a Creole so she fit in with the society. She would talk about her childbirths, and was not afraid to read books that Edna wouldn't want people knowing about. Adele was not like Edna because she was not carefree since she was constantly worried about the children and be at her husbands beckoning call if her he asked her to do something. If she goes to the beach, she always had "twined a gauze veil about her head and wore doeskin gloves, with gauntlets that protected her wrist" (27). Her skin was pale and it shows that she always stays at home with the