Ender's Game Chapter Summary

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Enders Game by Orson Scott Cars is about a boy named Andrew "Ender" Wiggins. Ender is the youngest of three Genius Children in his family, and both Peter and Valentine have worn the same monitor that Ender wore. Though neither had the monitor for as long, and neither were selected to battle school. Battle School is the Military Run training facility the trains soldiers from the time they are children to be efficient and effective soldier for the international fleet. Enders success in being selected to train at battle school angers Peter, and upsets loving Valentine. Peter, having been decidedly too violent and Valentine being too loving and caring, even though they are geniuses, are not suited for Battle school, and thus not selected to continue their schooling at battle school. Colonel Graff, having watched Ender and his reaction to stilson and Enders fight in school after Enders monitor is removed. Ender fights, and wins by a landslide. Ender puts Stilson in the hospital, and ends up injuring the boy so …show more content…

Alai helps Ender bridge the gap between himself and the rest of his launch group, and even when Ender is promoted to Salamander Army, he and Alai stay friends. Theirs is a friendship that will last through the end of the book. When ender is promoted to Salamander Army, his commander Bonzo Madrid tells Ender to stay out of the way, that he’s not to enter the battles until the first five minutes are over and that he is absolutely not to draw his weapon because he doesn’t know how to use it. Petra Arkanian, the top marksman in Salamander and Ender soon become friends, and she teaches him after regular classes, and battles. This knowledge Ender takes back to his launch group, and teaches them, and gets more practice not only in the maneuvers he’s teaching, but in