Customers today are surrounded by thousands of voices and images: newspapers, magazines, billboards, websites, television and radio, wherein advertisers tries to steal fraction of their time to inform them about the new and different attributes of their product. Due to constant and overexposure to different types of media, consumers eventually become numb to the standard marketing techniques. The biggest challenge that the markets face is to find a way to hold consumers attention. Celebrity endorsement has emerged as an efficient technique to hold consumers attention. Friedman and Friedman (1979) found empirical evidence that, in the promotion of products high in psychological and/or social risk, use of celebrity endorser would lead to greater …show more content…
Endorser credibility has been found to affect persuasion and to moderate consumers’ attitudes (Kelman, 2006; Wu & Shaffer, 1987). The properties such as likeability, expertise, trustworthiness and similarity cause a celebrity endorser to become a source of persuasive information and this creates a sense of certainty which has been revealed in many studies. Also physical attractiveness of the endorser is considerable in effectiveness of a message. The significance of consumers’ evaluations, however, does not lie in the fact that their attitude change may occur because an individual has personally considered the pros and cons of the issue, but the attitude issue is related to positive or negative cues. For instance, instead of paying attention to product-related issues, a consumer may be attracted to a promotion by a credible endorser. Credible sources may attract a consumer to decide what attitudinal position to accept without the need for engaging in any general thought about the product-revenant arguments. Marketers also claim that celebrities affect the credibility of the claims made, increase the memorability of the message, and may provide a positive effect that could be generalized to the