Engaging A Text 5. Augustine Of Hippo

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Engaging a Text 5 Augustine of Hippo, one of the Christian church’s greatest theologians, is a powerful preacher who discussed major themes of Christian Theology. Augustine preached on the meaning of the cross, and explain Christ’s death and resurrection held for human salvation. In his sermon, Augustine explains how Christ can be thought of as both a lion and a lamb. Jesus Christ is the Lion of Judah, and he is also the Lamb of God who takes away human’s sin. Augustine acknowledged his that without Christ’s death on the cross, death would not have died. When Jesus died, the devil was full of joy because he thinks that he won the trophy of victory. However, the real success was when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and rise to heaven; he defeated the devil. Augustine approach fits the descriptions of the cross as a victory which previously discussed in the book of The Basic by McGrath. …show more content…

His death removes sin and guilt that control under the power of the devil. Christ is symbolizing an innocent Lamb who took away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Jesus takes away our sin, so John the Baptist considered him “the Lamb of God.” By dying in our place for our sin, Jesus removed the wrath of God that we deserved, removed our alienation from God, and give us redemption. Jesus chooses to die on the cross, so we do not have to, through this, he also defeated of the power of the darkness or the devil; Jesus is a conqueror. Another image uses to symbolized Jesus in the lion –the Lion of Judah – because of his courage and bravery. However, the devil mistaking Jesus’ bravery as savagery and thought that he has won. But when Jesus has overcome, the devil realized it was a

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