
Essay On Becoming A Mechanical Engineer

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Engineers have a vital role in everyday life. They are the linchpin of modern technology and also are a prior priority in any process of innovation. Engineering has attained sky-rocketing leaps in many sectors but most observably the aeronautics and mechanical sector. Robots are being designed with the ability to carry out lifesaving roles and have also the ability to diffuse bombs in war torn countries. Thanks to Mechanical Engineers who made all of this come to reality.

Personally, I resolutely believe that there is substantial cachet to be obtained by pursuing the Mechanical Engineering field .Having zeal for Mathematics and Science is compatible with the variety present in this field which appealed me more than any other field. The …show more content…

Meanwhile, I read about Thomas Edison, Isambard Brunel, Ernst von Siemens, Heinrich Maybach and a host of others. My role model among all these tremendously successful engineers I have learnt about , is Thomas Edison. Being a talented engineer was not his only merit. In addition, he was also a brilliant businessman. I opted England for higher education because I have unwavering belief that the environment would be adequate for exploiting my potentials and I am confident that the quality of education found there is unsurpassed. Besides that, communication will never be a problem for me because my English language skills are beyond what is required, as I can communicate fluently and smoothly using the English language. School life was an extremely enjoyable experience for me and now I look forward to coming in contact with a whole new more competitive, self sufficient and thought provoking university lifestyle.
It is hoped that I can be a member of such a reputable university as yours and achieve a degree which would be the solid base for a being the successful engineer I dream to be one day. I am optimistic that this grade would help me to be a part of developing new technology for more productivity and less pollution in the transportation systems as well as in

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