English 110 Reflection Essay

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When taking English 110 Composition, I knew it would be a long journey into improving my writing. I was not really the strongest writer coming out of high school. On the first day of class, I learned that we would have three formal essays and short essays due throughout the whole course. In my head, I was thinking that this class would be the hardest class I would be taking this semester. The course has gone by now and we have done all three papers and I feel pretty good about them now. Although, writing is not easy for me and it never has been, I believe I have learned a lot from taking this course and that I have become a better writer. All throughout my high school career, I had maybe written an essay here and there it really was not …show more content…

Davis”. This assignment was the most challenging for me; I had to think and support my ideas about a topic with research examples. The assignment was difficult, because I was not quite sure how to get into research and form a formal essay the way it was supposed to be written. I tried to find as much research that I could but did not know how to but it all together. Following the guidelines that were given which kind of helped, but I ended up with a lot of sentences that did not flow and things that did not match where they needed to be. Which means these sentences did not unfold or develop my topic I was trying to convey. That made this essay one of my worst but it helped me make my last essay even …show more content…

From coming out of a school that didn’t write much a good writing professor is what I needed the most. Mrs. Parker would always ask for people to come up to her and get help and that is exactly what I did. I always want good critique on my work. We were in these groups that for certain assignments we were to look over each other's stuff but my group would never do anything. That made me seek other people to help me improve my work, but it also helped me know that it is nothing wrong with going to your professor to get help that is what they are there

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