As an English enthusiast in English 111-01 I have learned to strengthen my writing in certain areas in essays that we have written. Some of the concepts that I learned in English 111-01 included clarity of thought, improvement, and sentence structure. In reference to writing an introductory paragraph this help me to improve my overall writing ability. I learned how to write a strong introduction in my essays. The introduction is the first paragraph to grab the audience's attention, make transitions, and give a strong thesis statement which will be the discussion with the rest of the paper. Through the learning process, I first began to learn what a thesis statement meant for an essay. The thesis basically states what the rest of your paper will discuss. The topic sentence came naturally which is only to get the readers interested. When you transition is when you are finished with your topic sentence and transition into your thesis statement which is basic organization of a paper. With an attention grabber, transition, and a strong thesis statement you will have a great introduction. …show more content…
When referring to a direct quote, it's a statement from any source which the author wrote word for word; it will be placed into your essay in which it makes sense. There also needs to be quotations around the direct quote to make sure it will not be claimed as plagiarism. After the direct quote is placed, usually you would talk about the quote after stating it. Direct quotes will give another source and give the author credibility that what he is writing is not just the opinion the author has given. Direct quotes is a great way of giving my readers more sources and more interested in my