
English 203 Class Reflection

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We have reached the end of the semester, and with this end the memories start to flood whether the good or the bad ones. English 203 class has helped me in a variety of ways in gaining and sharpening my skills in writing. It was a strict course with a huge amount of workload, but the element of fun never left the classroom. It had a balance of literature and writing. I learned how to compose several types of essays including: exploratory and argumentative and was given the format for writing these. This course helped me discover who I am especially my style of writing; I started forming complex thoughts and thinking outside the box when it comes to writing. Overall the experience in taking this course was very beneficial, it made me growth and address with me with more knowledge than I expected. This course had many outcomes that I was able to learn them all. On the first week of university, Mrs. Juheina explained precisely what will the class do each week and what the outcomes are. When she first introduced the coursework that …show more content…

Toni Morrison says in “The Dancing Mind” that "[reading is] to experience one's own mind dancing with another's." A text makes you engage with the author as if you are inside his/her brain. I always wanted to know what the author intended, but I realized throughout English 203 that this would void literature of its complexities. I have greatly sharpened my critical analysis skills throughout the course. Instead of focusing on meanings, I have learned to continuously ask "why" on many different levels. I challenged myself to dig into a text as deeply as possible and unpack every single detail that is hidden. Also, by reading different passages by a variety of authors, I learned to identify different writing styles that each writer opts for; this helped me develop a deeper understanding of everything I

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