Halloween Hunt: English Novel

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Halloween Hunt (Part 2) English Novel.
Halloween Hunt English Novel is written by Richard Laymon. Richard Laymon is well known for his short stories/novels, he is a very intelligent writer. He is famous for his short novels Halloween Hunt English novel is one of his collection.
This Halloween Hunt English Novel is divided in 5 Parts you can easily get the links of other parts at the end of this part.
Part 2 ( Halloween Hunt English Novel ) Starts:
"If he doesn't get here soon,he'll be."
Just then, the doorbell rang. Walt rushed across the room,His black cap fluttering behind him like a shadow. He opened the door," Welcome to Castle Walt."
"You gotta be kidding." It was Dave's voice. "A fat vampire?"
"The blood is filled with calories my …show more content…

"You know, a hunt where you go out looking to collect things that are hard to find," George said. "Since it's Halloween, we"ll probably have get weird things that are hard to find. Right, Walt?"
"If we're supposed to go grave robbing," Meg said, "count me out."
"We will split up into two teams, three on each side," Walt said.
"But there are eight of us," Erin …show more content…

We don't want cheating." Walt said.
"Why would anyone wants to cheat?" Meg asked.
"Because the winning team will get a little prize," Walt said seriously.
"How little," Dave asked.
"Three hundred Dollars,"
George whistled.
"That's some kind of prize," Dave said.
Linda shook her head. "This must be some kind of heavy-duty scavenger hunt."
"It will be easy," Walt said. "But it will take nerve."
"Grave robbing." Meg muttered. "I knew it."
"I wouldn't ask you to do that," Walt told her.
"Well it must be something pretty hairy."
"I think you will all find it hairy. And why not? This is Halloween!" He took two envelops from the pocked. He handed one to Dave and the other to Erin . "On Erin's team are you and you." He pointed to Meg and George. "Bill will be your referee. I will be the referee for Dave's team. On Dave's team are you and you." He pointed to Linda and the ghost.
"Oh, great," Linda thought. "The ghost."
"Let us begin."
"Come On!"
Erin shouted. She raced from the apartment, followed by her teammates and Bill.
Dave tore open the envelope.
"We can read it along the way,"Linda said.
"Hang on." He quickly read the paper.
"You've got to be kidding, he told Walt.
"Okay, let's go. We'll take my car."
"Where to?" Linda