
Enlightenment Age Of Colonial America Essay

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The Influential Enlightenment Age of Colonial America Although the enlightenment started in Europe it didn't end there many of the ideas and events from the enlightenment spurred out to other parts of the world most particularly the American colonies, this helped them to discover themselves and build on their nation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their happiness. Thomas Hobbes book “Leviathan” is one of the ideas that made it to the American colonies and they most definitely took it into consideration since the parts of their government are based on these matters. Another major idea was the “English Bill Of Rights”. Yes America copied England even though America hated England they couldn’t pass up good intellect when they see it. Although Americans stole ideas they also came up with their own to help Revolutionize their growing country with the help of people such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin who is actually an Englishmen but later considered himself to be an American, and John Adams. Thomas Hobbes is mostly known for his political views of society. Evidence of this is his most popular book “Leviathan”. …show more content…

They are to ensure that the people maintain certain rights by the people in which the government can't infringe on. Both of them forbid cruel and unusual punishments of the people. They allow the people to alter or to abolish the government or to institute new government as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. They both concern situations about civil liberties. With these principles America couldn’t be what it is today thanks to the American colonist who stole the great ideas of the

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