
Entitlement In A Streetcar Named Desire

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The Reality of Male Entitlement
In the play “Streetcar Named Desire” written by the award winning playwright Tennessee Williams highlights the uncontrollable reality of male entitlement; and the harsh tragedies that may unfold when one's entitlement is threatened.
“That’s how I’ll clear the table![ He seizes her arm] Don’t ever talk that way to me! ‘ pig-polack-disgusting-vulgar-greasy!”- them kind of words have been on your tongue and your sisters too much around here! What do you two think you are? A pair of queens? Remember what Huey Long said-’Every man is a king” and I am the king around here, so don’t forget it! (Williams 107). Tennessee Williams character Stanley Kowalski is a man of great boldness, just as every man tends to be at more than one point in their life. Speaking so freely and rudely to his wife Stella …show more content…

Does the status of a relationship set the limits on when a man feels he is owed sex? The topic of rape is always a sticky conversation and always has been over the years, it was not until recently that openly speaking about rape, date rape and even rape within a relationship has become almost okay. “In the culture of rape and disrespect for women that the film points to continues unabated 25 years later, despite efforts, of writers, journalist,filmmakers,educators,television producers, and a few lawmakers to hold aggressors responsible and accountable.”( Thelma and Louise. Rose 1). For woman this topic is a roller coaster of emotional up and downs that we have either personally felt or know of another woman who has but yet men are never along for the ride when their entitlement is questioned. The character Stanley Kowalski was played by Marlon Brando, a well recognized actor who at the time had the hearts of many women around the world during the span of his

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