Environment In The Great Gatsby

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“Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve”
By Erich From
To my own understanding, man is its own enemy but to elaborate more. This speaks of the human-environment relationship which deals with the studies of how the behaviour and influence of both, the environment and human have on each other. But, that us humans actually are the cause of our ‘’situation’’. This will form a clear direction and structure for the essay in the analysing of The Great Gatsby. With the research I have sourced I will be analysing how the environment isn’t necessarily the cause of human behaviour at times but that humans can manipulate the environment to suite their behaviour or cause the environment to react, in the relation …show more content…

The social culture during this time is the reflection of the wealthy, big buildings, power, big parties, adolescence, the fashionable, new money vs. old money and the corruption during the time of the transport revolutionary. In these images you will note the glaze and glam and the joys that money can buy. The environment is subjected to the social culture and status which means it reflects the materialistic desires of human (Kopec 2012: 12-13). The human movement, life style, the alteration of our surroundings to better suit our needs brings along the consequence. For example The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid implies that all humans have fundamental needs and that they move up hierarchy as each need is met (Kopec 2012: 12-13). Consider how the environment further impacts each level of the individual’s ascent, for better or worse an aspect of self-actualization (Kopec 2012: 12-13) . This basically means a result of simulacrum which is in a way based on the population growth, and requirements that support that growth. The era in which the characters are in – which is the automobile industrial time, the manufacturing of vehicles. E.g. the American Henry Ford. Makes its self-evident throughout the movie illustrated. This was basically the revolutionary world of transport and travel in the 1920s (Fitzgerald :