Trash In China Essay

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Environmental issues are any issues created by humans which cause harm to the environment in particular the on fire of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and large-scale deforestation, which cause emissions to the atmosphere of large amounts of 'greenhouse gases ', of which the most important is carbon dioxide.

But in last few decades a new environmental issues have rose very rapidly that is formation of marine trash islands that are formed when dumped trashes in the sea are carried to a number of regions where the currents meet and Island of trash is formed. Plastic debris in the marine environment have been widely documented, but the quantity of garbage mainly plastic entering the ocean from waste generated on land was never …show more content…

Beijing 's 20 million residents generate about 18,000 tons a day, most of which goes to landfills. With household trash volume rising at least 5 percent annually, according to the city, authorities are building new incinerators, though that 's caused concern about further dirtying the capital 's already smoggy skies.

According to china’s oldest NGO ”Friends of Nature” more than 90 percent of the packaging is not at all needed, and even when the trashes can be recycled, the process uses energy and can contribute to water and air pollution. China is rapidly transforming from a rural nation to an urban one. China being one of the top developing countries is selling fancier things made of plastic which have created vast new business opportunities, but the environmental costs are also on the rise.

According to a document by Wang Jiuliang, a local filmmaker who visited more than 400 landfills around Beijing, he clearly writes about the nature of Chinese and their desire to have things. China has embarked on a consumer-based society. It is developing very rapidly but it have not taken strict actions to stop dumping of plastic despite of banning dumping plastic in oceans still more than 8 million ton of plastic is dumped every year only by china which make it top offender.anaged plastic waste China is still very much in the lead and India shows a disturbing