Epic Poem Essay: Beowulf And The Teaching Of Leadership

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Beowulf is the longest epic poem composed in Old English. This epic poem deals with a man, Beowulf and his adventures toward killing a great monster, Grendel. Throughout his adventures, we the readers realize many negative traits about Beowulf. Beowulf’s main trait is that he is a charismatic leader. Even though being charismatic is fine in many cases, Beowulf being the main character over boasts himself. “He is absolutely fearless and supremely confident in his own abilities.”states John Finley and Tom Loughman. As well was being overly confident and fearless, he is also known for being a model to his comrades. He is seen as strong, helpful, yet very narcissistic. In today’s world we still have narcissistic and charismatic people which is why the article, “Beowulf and the Teaching of Leadership” is such a phenomenal piece. It talks about today’s struggles and the struggles dealt with Beowulf back then.
In continuation, in everyday situations being charismatic and showing leadership is all over the place. For example, my father works for Bank of America and he is very …show more content…

Though being the leader he was he knew what to do and how to handle things. In big deal companies there are many people such as Beowulf and I couldn't agree more with John Finley and Tom Loughman when they stated, “He is absolutely fearless and supremely confident in his own abilities.” which you see in many CEO’s today. To compare to my father once more I can really see that this epic poem can relate to today’s world. I was very surprised that they got something out of his character and connected it to situations that are still happening. Overall, I agree with what John Finley and Tom Loughman stated in their article. The grand epic poem, Beowulf and today's world are very similar. Thus to end, I enjoyed how both John Finley and Tom Loughman discussed a matter that can be connected to two different worlds in two different

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