Epidemiology Career Paper

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I researched the career of epidemiology, a branch of medicine in the health care realm that deals with the research and study of diseases and related infections in groups of people while trying to find the causes and cures. I compiled a variety of sources while researching this career. Although most of the sources were in print form, others came from the internet and interviews. Not all of my sources were beneficial since most of the information I needed came from a single source. In total, I had twelve sources. There were many steps taken to compile and complete my research on this career. I started my first day of research on October 31st in the Wade Hampton Media Center. On this day I visited ONetOnLine.Org on the computer …show more content…

Cassandra D. Salgado who I asked the same interview questions too. I found her by calling MUSC in Charleston, SC and inquiring whether they have an epidemiologist who works at the school. Since Dr. Salgado was currently away on a research project I was given her email and had to have an electronic interview. Since she currently works in the field I was able to learn a lot about the daily activities, advantages, disadvantages, and education/training. Because of this, contacting Dr. Salgado was very beneficial to my research paper
On November 23rd I went onto Scois.Net to do my virtual job shadowing at home. The job shadowing consisted of a nearly 2 minute video that seemed to be outdated since the equipment used were not newer technology. Since this was the last research that I collected and it was very short, As a result, I did not find the virtual job shadowing to be beneficial since it was extremely cut and dry and repeat much of the information I already had.
In essence of all the research gathered and thought over, I do believe I will continue to pursue epidemiology and the health care field with the obstacles that I know will be ahead of me in order to better not only myself but the world as