Soledad was like a ghost town. A small building at the end of the street had a Susy’s Saloon sign swinging in the wind above. The bar was backlit with the silhouettes of the usuals. The smell of whiskey pierced the air. On the back wall was a long countertop slightly sticky from all the beer spilled. Round stools with permanent impressions surrounded the bar. Slim and George head in. Slim waves over the bartender
“Two whiskeys,” Slim uttered.
The two men were silent for a while. As Susy comes over the guys get a little startled.
“Do you boys need anything else” Susy’s voice was shrill and frail. Both men simultaneously shook their heads sluggishly. George had a sorrowful look permanently fixed to his face. Time seemed to slow down to
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He couldn’t help but smile.
“Candy when did you get this?” asked George
“Well… I got it earlier today and I was so excited. I headed into the barn to tell Lennie about the news. After everything, I forgot about it till I got back to the bunkhouse.” Candy replied somberly.
Heartbroken, George lost any bit of happiness the letter brought him.
“Lennie should be here coming with us. If you were only a few minutes earlier he could be.” George said in a grieved voice.
Candy began to speak “I know that Lennie should be here with us but we got to move on. Are you still comin with George.”
“I got nothin left here so I suppose so,” replied George. “Say Slim do ya want to come with us. Live off the land and have nobody tellin us what to do.” George asked. “Well this town is all I’ve had for a while but I suppose I’m not going anywhere,” Slim replied. “Could we have a pen?” Candy asked excitedly.
George took the letter and flipped it to the back side. Then grabbed the pen and began to sketch the blueprints for their home. Behind the house is a plot of land where the garden will flourish with green beans, corn, tomatoes, peas, and anything they want. Piled up to roof along the right side will be wood for the stove and fire. Then to the left of the house will be the rabbit hutch for Lennie, with an alfalfa patch next to it. With the plan finalized they headed back to the