Equal Rights Amendment: Here we go again Currently there is nothing in the United States constitution that guarantees women the same rights as men and if that doesn’t baffle you then I don’t know what will. Riddle me this, why is it that this amendment has been mentioned and brought up at every and I mean EVERY session of congress since 1923. That’s more than 7 decades, to be exact it has been 94 years. So tell me why is it that we've gone all these years without having this in fine print down to the last T? Well this is why ,In 1923 the following statement was admitted to congress under the equal rights amendment "equality of the rights under the law shall not be denied or a bridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." …show more content…
Here are some reasons as to why the amendment should be approved. " Without the Equal Rights Amendment, the Constitution does not explicitly guarantee that the rights it protects are held equally by all citizens without regard to sex. The first — and still the only — right specifically affirmed as equal for women and men is the right to vote. The equal protection clause of the Constitution's 14th Amendment was first applied to sex discrimination only in 1971, and it has never been interpreted to grant equal rights on the basis of sex in the uniform and inclusive way that the Equal Rights Amendments would The Equal Rights Amendment would provide a clearer judicial standard for deciding cases of sex discrimination, since federal and state courts (some working with state Equal Rights Amendments, some without) still reflect confusion and inconsistency in dealing with such claims. It would also clarify sex discrimination jurisprudence and conclusively invalidate the claim of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia that the Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment, does not protect against sex discrimination (reported in California Lawyer, January …show more content…
Many assume that there's an amendment out there somewhere in the great abyss known as the "constitution" that clearly states that women and men have the same "EQUAL RIGHTS". Yet when I say otherwise they just sit in awe for a good solid minute then there first question comes around and it’s the same question everyone states "Why?". The only answer I could come up with would be to spread the word in hopes that many other like-minded people would catch on and want to play their role . This isn't a task a single person can attempt on their own this is a task that requires not one not thirty-eight but all fifty states to join forces as one and achieve one common goal the right of equality, so that sometime in the near future we could work to have this amendment approved and break the league of years that have been stacked