Equality Is The Most Important Ideal In The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in American history, stating ideals that the people still stand by today. It was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, and it took him about three weeks. When he presented it to Congress on July 2nd they reviewed the document, made a few alterations, and accepted it two days later on July 4, 1776. The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states four ideals that Americans still stand by today, but many argue which is the most important. Equality is the most important ideal in the Declaration of Independence because without it all of the other ideals would contradict themselves. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness allows the people to control their own lives rather than the government controlling them. The King had tendencies to put restrictions on the way people could …show more content…

When Americans were complaining to the King about things he was doing it was relatively easy for him to ignore them because only white, wealthy, Christian men could protest and be noticed. Even though when the Declaration of Independence not all men and women were truly equal, and they still aren’t completely now, the goal was so that the people and government officials were equal. They did not want the government to feel superior. America gives its people equal opportunities to succeed. Equality, while still not complete in 2017, allows for all American voices to be heard, no matter race, gender, or religion. The American people are equal to the government officials, leaving no room for the government to take over. If the Declaration of Independence allowed the government to have superiority of its people, America would not be the country it is today. Although, while equality has come a long way, it still has a long way to go before all men are truly treated