“In March 2007, Eric McLean committed a murder out of love — in an effort to save his marriage. McLean shot and killed 18-year-old Sean Powell, who was having an affair with his wife. McLean claimed he accidentally killed the young boy when he was waiting in his car outside of McLean’s house so that he could see his former high school student teacher and married lover. McLean felt that Powell was stalking his wife, and when he refused to leave his property, McLean threatened him with a rifle by pointing it at him inside the car. Then, Powell grabbed the barrel of the gun and McLean accidentally shot him. McLean called 911 and admitted to killing Powell. Although prosecutors pinned McLean as a cold-blooded killer, his defense was strong. In …show more content…
People feel like they aren't worth anything ,they're insecure about themselves ,and also go into a deep emotional phase for some weeks or even months. It mainly be girls that go through the phase that makes them think nobody cares about them or how they feel. All they sit and do is eat unhealthy food, sleep , and watch lifetime. Others that were did wrong watch movies that teach them how to get revenge , also they stalks the person the love.Some people just want to get back their control and some want their ex spouse to suffer how they were suffering . miserable girls will key the car, track every move , and also make lies up so the spouse can suffer badly .In a lifetime movie called “ No One Would Tell” IMDb stated , “Shy sixteen-year-old Stacy Collins can’t believe that the most popular guy in school, an attractive athlete named Bobby Tennison, is interested in her. At first she is flattered by his constant attention, but then he becomes possessive and jealous-telling her who she can speak to and what she can wear.” In the movie it lead to him killing Stacy and tried to get anyway with it . Why Get Married in the following graph shows that marriage and relationships are the main causes of