Erlenmeyer Reaction Lab

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To conduct the first experiment my procedure was the following. Step one, gather required equipment for experiment: one beaker, one balloon, one erlenmeyer flask, an electric balance, pair of goggles, apron, 10 cm of magnesium, and 15 mL of hydrochloric acid. Step two, measure 15 mL of hydrochloric acid into beaker. Step three, Pour hydrochloric acid from beaker, into erlenmeyer flask. Step four, cut 10 cm of magnesium and place gently in balloon. Step five, put the end of the balloon on top of erlenmeyer flask, but don 't let magnesium fall in erlenmeyer flask. Step 6, weigh the flask that contains the hydrochloric acid and balloon on top with electric balance. After weighing, record the mass on separate sheet of paper and label ¨mass before

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