Essay About Classism

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As Malcolm X once said, "If you 're not careful, the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." Unfortunately, this is true to a certain extent, but do we know what causes this? It 's classism, yes classism. Out of numerous topics to choose from why this? This is because I have myself witnessed this issue growing in today 's world. It might not be a topic of concern for many, but without a room for doubt, this is an attitude held by several individuals who sadly apply it in their day to day lives. What is classism? Classism is a preconceived view or bias attitude on the fundamentals of social or economic class. Why is this topic of extreme importance and what …show more content…

To explain this further here are some real-life situations now. Here in Dubai, UAE where I currently live there are millions of individuals who have to undergo sacrifices by leaving their families and hometown to come to UAE and make some money so that they can at least afford need-based expenses and send some money back home. Usually, they belong to low-class families and are happy with whatever they earn, but in spite of the sorrows and griefs they have, people which belong to the higher class and middle-class status groups tend to make them remind all the time that they are " less fortunate" by manipulating them because the low-income earners are helpless and would never refuse to do anything or by humiliating them because of the "arrogance of wealth and class" they have which is above theirs. These are factual situations which I have witnessed and feel really melancholic about. Why can 't the less fortunate be treated equally? Why can 't we do something which makes them feel valued and shows that people care about them? It just takes a Nobel initiative to be good to someone. I have been to labor day events and have myself helped the laborers there and could see the happiness on their faces, they don 't expect much from us all they want is to feel valued and some amount