Essay On Gangs In America

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Gangs in the United States Gangs have been a part of the United States culture since the beginning of our nation. They are an organized group of criminals who defend their turf and mark the streets and territory with graffiti (Stark 15). Most gang members wear color bandanas in order to represent their gang and to create an identity. Today, gang violence is a huge problem in America because it creates homicides and violence crimes. There is also a problem regarding the reason why young people join gangs. The best four articles that provide facts, statistics, agreements, and opinions are: “Why Do Kids Join Criminal Street Gangs?” by JoAnn Moore, “FBI report: Gang membership spikes” by Terry Frieden, “Youth Gang Violence is America’s Problem” …show more content…

In my opinion this a ridiculous number because it is extremely high. How can almost half of the crimes committed in the United States are connected with gang activity? I believe public safety should do something about this issue because it is getting out of …show more content…

Waters stated that gangs are not a cities problem but America’s problem instead. He also continues by saying that “young gangstas have been left to raise themselves while the O.G.'s (Original Gangstas) are away, either serving lengthy prison sentences, or dead, themselves the victims of violent crime” (). What he means by this is that without the Original Gangsta there would not be leadership and young gang members would fight against other gangs in order to obtain more territory and street control. I think a flaw in this argument is the fact that Waters is not aware that gangs are fighting each other for money and territory. Even when the Original Gangstas were in town they fought against each other in order to expand economically and