Essay About Identity Theft

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Identity theft is everywhere it’s an epidemic that plagues our nation but what exactly is identity theft? Identity theft is when someone steals another’s identity to further themselves financially or to harm others. This is however a crime and cannot be condoned. In the following paragraphs you will read about the different types of identity theft, their methods, and how to avoid them. In this paragraph you will learn about some types of identity theft. The first type I would like to explain is Criminal identity theft. Criminal identity theft is when someone poses as another person during a crime. For example, if you are confronted by law enforcement officials and you tell them a different name other than your true name you are committing the crime of criminal identity theft. It is sometimes difficult for …show more content…

This is when someone takes another person’s identity to make their credit better or to boost themselves financially. Some of the ways this can happen is that they can take your mail, if you leave your debit or credit card somewhere, if you make purchases on your computer or your cell phone. In financial theft people can take your card information to make giant purchases or use your name to take out loans.
Children identity theft is when someone takes a minor’s social security number to open a line of credit or obtain driver’s licenses. They can do this because there’s no information associated with the number. Examples of this type of theft are opening a line of credit or buying a house in the child’s name. Children identity theft can go on for years before being noticed.
Medical identity theft is when someone poses as you when acquiring medical attention, or when they take your insurance card and get medical help under your identity. Some problems that come with this is not being able to acquire social security benefits or retirement benefits due to incorrect medical information in your

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