Essay About Obesity In America

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Obesity is a term used when the body has too much fat and the person weighs too much. Of the many problems in America, this is one of the most common. Many countries are dealing with obesity problems, but America is the worst. This paper will establish why obesity is a problem, what has been done in the past to assist with the problem, and what can be done to help the problem. Some of the factors that contribute to obesity can be a breakup, depression, stress, anxiety, bullying, tension, and much more. This is an outbreak that has spread widely throughout countries. Factors have already been listed, but what is the breakdown and cause? Food. Eating too much is the number one reason of obesity. You can also become obese by lack of exercise. Obesity is also very dangerous.It can lead to …show more content…

Getting addicted to diet foods, Your body will not be getting enough nutrition. For others, they will get the opposite end. They will get results and turn right back into their old eating habits and old laziness routine, they might even end up in more of a weight surplus than the first time. Overall, Obesity is entirely disastrous and can affect us for a lifetime. Plenty can be done to stop it, our society just doesn’t have enough motivation to.We have fast-food places around every corner and thousands upon thousands of weight loss programs/ads plastered everywhere.You would think they would balance each other out;however; that is not the case for most people.Depression, eating disorders, death, there is so many consequences. A typical diet for a woman is 2,000 calories a day. A man, 2500-2800 calories a day. It all depends on your metabolism rate and your exercise level.Eat all food in moderation and make healthy choices; this will prevent obesity from ever happening in the first place. All that needs to be done (both long-term and short) is for people to take care of themselves. This will lead to a happy and healthy

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