These New York City Pigeons Analysis

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Pathetic Pigeons and Losing People Pigeons, a kind of mild quite animals which always represent peace and clam. However, pigeons in Jayne Cortez’s poetry “These New York City Pigeons” are “special”. Pigeons living in New York City are different from the pigeons in any other places which have a happy and relaxing lives. They live in the “prosperous” city and breathe the ammonia fumes in air. “These New York City pigeons” was written by Jane Cortez after she came to New York City. In the poem, Cortez used contrast, symbolism and repetition to reveal that urban life makes people lose their self-identity, become hopeless and aggressive and have pathetic life. Firstly,cortez used contrast thought out the whole story to satire …show more content…

Pigeons are the birds that always represent peaceful, friendly and unity which are all good qualities, the life pigeons have should be enjoyable and relaxed. However New York City pigeons’ lives are not like what we expect. By using contrast, Cortez emphasizes the differences between the New York City pigeons and normal pigeons which tells readers that actually the “pi-geons”can not be called pigeons in the New York City. they have already lost all the qualities that a pigeon should have.In other words, the New York City pigeons has lost their self-identities, they forgot who they were and the life or living pattern they should have which means they had al-ready lose …show more content…

As we known, pigeons are just animals, they can’t be such emotional as writer described.only human can express themselves in these kinds of ways, so we can get pigeons actually represents peo-ple.”fighting for fucking place”symbolize people who fight for jobs,money and for their position. “the New York City ”are the urban life that people had. cortez use pigeons to symbolize people which try to tell readers people should have a relaxing clam lives like pigeons, however urban life makes people forget themselves, forget the clam happy life they should have ,forget the good quality like friendly, unity they had.They chasing for money and the status .In order to reach their purpose ,they even attack others.In the big city people are getting selfish, aggressive ,apathy and mean.symbolisms here really help to reveal how people in big city likes ,which helps reader think more and have deeper understand about the theme. It also helps readers use imaginations to build connection with people in big city and new york city pigeons which increase the enjoyment helps to remember the poem