Essay Comparing The Allegory Of The Cave And The Machine Stops

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Connections between The Allegory of the Cave and The Machine Stops are countless. The connection that I found that stood out most to me in each piece of literature is that the authors are trying to portray the effect of people living in their illusions due to the advances of technology. The people living in a world of these illusions need to be willing to learn and step outside of their comfort zone to understand something besides the perception they have of the world, to know what is their perception versus what is actual reality. These stories aim to give us warning signs of today’s society even though they were written awhile back, we can look at society today and see that the points in these stories connect to the advances to technology affecting society today. By being willing to learn and acknowledge these effects on society today we can see that this is a crucial problem today and need to change the way we let technology lead us to a life full of illusions. The advances in technology can take a toll on how we see the world we live in today; we need …show more content…

This relates today’s society in many ways with seeing thing as an illusion rather than reality when it comes to social media. The truth comes out on social media and people believe it. This gives us an illusion to what the reality and truth are. The media we see and the use of Photoshop on images can also point us in a direction of seeing a false reality. No one looks that flawless in life but shows the world with Photoshop people with flawless skin with perfect body shape and so on. Media also portrays news and natural disasters to a scarier extent then they need to be to draw in viewers. So much information is passed around in society presented to us in many ways that we are often blind on what to believe and will follow what everyone else is following, even though it may be

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