Mandy Hoang Professor Scannell McCormick Reading and Writing Critically II April 29, 2024 Title The protagonists of Edgar Allan Poe's “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Cask of Amontillado” both portray characters who meticulously plan and execute their acts of murder, compared to the unnamed protagonist in “The Black Cat” who makes impulsive and haphazard actions. In The Black Cat, the protagonist's lack of foresight and reasoning is evident in his impulsive decision-making, such as cutting Pluto’s eye and killing his wife in a fit of rage. On the other hand, the unnamed protagonist of “The Tell-Tale Heart” and Montresor from “The Cask of Amontillado” display premeditation in their murders. This is seen through their careful observation of …show more content…
The protagonist's actions display a deliberate and calculated approach to murder. The dedication of the unnamed narrator to watch over the old man leads to the conclusion that this calculative element makes the short story more intentional and eerie compared to “The Black Cat.” According to “Edgar Allan Poe’s Aesthetic Theory, the Insanity Debate, and the Ethically Oriented Dynamics of ‘The Tell-Tale Heart,’” published in Nineteenth-Century Literature by Dan Shen, the unnamed protagonist of “The Tell-Tale Heart” retains Unlike the impulsive and irrational behavior displayed by the protagonist in “The Black Cat,” the protagonist in “The Tell-Tale Heart” demonstrates a blend of calculated planning and psychological disturbance, further highlighting the differences between these two short stories. Additionally, the protagonist takes quick precautions to conceal the body, displaying a strategic mindset aimed at avoiding detection. The quick and efficient execution of the murder, coupled with the careful disposal of the body, highlights the protagonist's methodical nature. Moreover, the protagonist's underlying issues with the victim, seen through the obsession with the old man's “vulture eye,” further emphasizes the calculated nature of the crime. This deliberate planning and execution contribute to the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the story, setting it apart from narratives driven by impulsive