
Essay How Horror Writers Create Suspense

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Horror is a genre that aims to scare and unsettle its readers by creating suspense and terror. The use of suspense is essential to a horror story as it keeps the readers on edge, wondering what will happen next. In the story “August Heart” by David Harvey, and the essay “How do horror writers create suspense?” by Percy De Arco, the authors use various techniques to create suspense in their works. These techniques are crucial for suspenseful storytelling, leaving readers hanging off their seats. These techniques include using lots of sensory details. William Fryer Harvey uses an array of literary devices in "August Heat" to keep the reader guessing until the very end. Using detailed descriptions of the stifling heat and the main character's uneasiness, the author …show more content…

According to D’Arco, ambiguity is one of the best strategies for building suspense. The best method to make the reader's skin crawl, according to him, is to imply that there might be something dreadful hiding just out of reach, something that is just alluded to but never completely exposed (D’Arco). In "August Heat," this strategy is very effective because it keeps the reader guessing as to what will happen next .Moreover, D'Arco advises horror authors to use sensory elements to improve the reader's perception. Authors can evoke a sense of horror in the reader by sound, touch, taste, and smell. Marsh successfully uses sensory details in "August Heat" to evoke a sense of unease. The intense heat of the day, with the "glaring sun" and "scorching asphalt," is detailed in great detail. Just the rare sound of footsteps or the distant chiming of a bell breaks the eerie calm of the streets, which only serves to heighten the dread. It's clear that the narrator is becoming increasingly anxious since he is sweating a lot and believes someone is watching

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