Essay On African American Culture

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Here in Jamaica, our national motto is, ‘Out of Many, One People’. This means we are a community with diverse cultural backgrounds and we take all the cultural differences, put them together and make our own. This makes us uncertainty-accepting and uncertainty rejecting, individualistic and collectivist, explicit rule and implicit rule, direct and indirect and materialism versus relationships. In the 20th century our culture was dominant with our African culture that was taken from our motherland. Most Jamaicans are from African descendants. Back in the early 1900s, Miss Louise Bennett, otherwise called Miss Lou; was the voice of our culture. She wrote poems, created drama piece and a number of other things. She embraced our culture and taught …show more content…

Allen states that, “Our Culture as a people speaks to our core beliefs, contributes to, as well as heavily influences our development, growth and Future.” (Allen, 2014). He emphasized on how our culture is evolving just as I mentioned in the introduction. The reasons discussed in is article again speaks to uncertainty agreeing or rejecting (but more so on the agreeing side). While this may be the case, a number of Jamaican reject the change and stick to the old culture which is deemed as tradition. Other factors to this change speaks to materialistic and relationship cultural difference, however more on the material side. In the 20th century, we were more focused on collectivist, building a community. Allen went on to say in part 2 of his article, ‘Jamaica Today’, “Jamaica is a Society in transition where external cultural influences are shaping the cultural edge. The Middle class who have been traditionally the purveyors of the dominant culture has been eroded through migration (brain drain) and the rise of the “Nouveau Riche” or New …show more content…

Why? I believe that it is the individual and what the individual brings that makes up the community, It is 50-50. I am more direct than I am indirect. I am bold, I will notice and comment on changes that I have observed. In my work environment, I would notice, new clothes (as I write this I am smiling because I would usually say, ‘I like your new dress, etc.’ and then smile it off, sometimes I think I am just too blunt.), shoes, hair bag and among other things. For example, the other day with my boss, I noticed he was wearing some new shirts as well as slimmer fitting shirts. I mentioned to a peer my observation and funny enough, when she told my boss without saying who, he new it was

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