Essay On African American Political Party

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African American’s have been devoted to supporting the Democratic political party steadily over the last five decades. In comparison to Republican, the Democratic party has offered pioneering economic policies such as desegregation and the New Deal programs which has continued to sway the black vote into the present day. Although there are some African American that side more with conservative prospects, the clear majority undoubtedly vote Democrat. In the black community there is a notion that Democrats have a way of understanding the minority. Past presidents such as John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama received an overwhelming number of votes from African Americans for their efforts in promoting equality for all Americans. In my opinion African Americans vote …show more content…

Democrats polices of modern liberalism that promotes social and economic equality is the driving factor of why African Americans continuously vote Democrat. In the 1930’s Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal during the Great Depression which gave relief to African American regarding wages and work equality. “Beginning in the 1940’s, however, deep demographic and economic change, accompanied by a marked shift in white racial attitudes, started blacks down the road to much greater equality. New Deal legislation, which set minimum wages and hours and eliminated the incentive of southern employers to hire low-wage black workers put a damper on further industrial development in the region (Thernstrom and Thernstrom 1998).” This started trend in voting for Democrats that aimed at helping the black community as well as other minorities that were struggling to have a voice in America. As time continued, the Civil Rights movement became an unmovable force within America. The Civil Right Movement caused a shift in the ideals of both the Republican and Democratic Party. Many Democrats were opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which caused them to switch political parties due to the support of