Essay On African Americans And Slavery

495 Words2 Pages

Othering and slavery of the African-American community
Madison. A

African Americans were othered because of their skin colour, because of how others treated them, and because they were uneducated.

African Americans had been forced into slavery in Canada, since the early 1600’s, up until 1834. It is believed that in Canada there were 1,443 African people enslaved in Canada, being bought, traded, whipped, beat, overworked, and starved. Although slavery ended then, that doesn’t mean the discrimination stopped. On December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks was ordered to sit in the “Colored Section” by a Montgomery bus driver in Alabama, but she refused. The bus driver called the police, and Rosa Parks was arrested. An NAACP worker arranged a protest against the arrest, asking that all African-American people stay off of the Montgomery bus the day of Rosa’s trial. Following the day of the hearing, she had over 500 supporters waiting for …show more content…

For example, clothing trends, and lifestyles. Racism was an awful “trend”, that many white people contributed in, continuously making African Americans feel less and less until enough was enough. The chattel Black people started in the early 1600’s, when French Colonies in New France brought back a ship that had African American people on it. They were used as a source of labour, doing tasks and jobs, with no salary. Since then, people have felt obligated to treat them with a significant amount of disrespect. The African culture has many different aspects to it, such as traditional music, art, language, religion, food, holidays, names, politics, and fashion. Because African Americans can have very thick, coiled hair, it can be hard to style it, making it either painful for them to contribute in a trend, or making them an outcast because they can’t participate in a trend. Also, for whatever reason, their language can also be considered a “threat” to some,

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