Essay On American Education

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Education in America has evolved throughout the decades, for better and worse. Education in my eyes in helping a child, no matter who they are, improve throughout the years. Once graduating high school, the individual should be prepared for the life they want to live. A life that’s unique to that single individual. A parent shouldn’t worry for a child once they leave high school; however that may not be the case with how education is taught today.
American schools emphasize the need to pass the common core standards. At first, it seemed like an idea that can allow students to learn at the same pace with peers, yet the idea can become impractical through standardized testing that allows students to place themselves within a circle the country …show more content…

But there can’t be such a thing when teachers constantly give out worksheets left and right. Let’s take literature as an example. Fine literature should be taught to help develop a passion for the novels and works they read. Still, teachers have no choice but to have their students read nonfiction passages to help prepare them for the yearly standardized test. High school isn’t much different either. Instructors focus on simple readings and little to no acknowledgement of style rather than to have students comprehend the complex pieces and appreciate the author's voice. With common core in the way, teachers can’t help but assign non-fiction works and passages in order to prepare them. Mathematics also became a subject that is useless for students when going to college. By forcing a certain math curriculum upon the states, people can be little to no prepared for college unless they are above average and/or taking honors classes, which isn’t common. Common core leaves out algebra I until 9th grade, which is a basis for later subjects, and eliminates calculus of the high school curriculum. These two subjects are vital for the STEM course that colleges require. Students are expected to do well, yet will stay behind well academic countries in Europe and Asia with common core beside them. We begin to wonder on a daily basis if children should push themselves to be better than their