
Essay On American Idea

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The American Idea Imagine a place where all races, all religions, every different heritage was accepted and treated in an equal pure manner. Despite all of our diversities, we are bound together by the common desire and goal of equality. This is an environment in which America strives to be. The reality of whether or not this ideal environment actually defines modern America, can be controversial. America was originally built on the foundation of freedom, equality, and the rare and privileged given rights of independance for citizens. This country intended for people from all over the world, to be seen as one. As Franklin Roosevelt once said, “They came to us speaking many tongues-but a single language, the universal language …show more content…

Acceptance of immigrants who contribute to the diversity and colorful beauty of this country is something we must not lose sight of. In modern society, racism still plays a huge issue and we find ourselves stereotyping dozens of people a day without even realizing it. Our modern presidential election has been a huge change and awakening in our society, as my opinion. Our original foundation of beliefs and rules to live by are becoming more and more distant. Stated in the Newest Americans article, “The way you keep it is to participate, to take responsibility, to be guided by those sacred ideas. To volunteer, to go to PTA meetings, to stay informed. What Franklin and the other founders worried about is that people would be deceived by demagogues and fooled by liars, that they would be susceptible to rulers who abused their power, that they would lose touch with those core American ideas.” This piece of evidence shows how important it is for us to stay loyal to the ideas we came from, and not lose sight of them from influence of people and ideas that prove “un

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