Essay On American Sign Language

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The deaf community is built upon the simple interactions of American sign language. American sign language is used for both the Deaf and the hearing to interact with one another in a social way. People often don’t know how to interact with a deaf person and the answer is through American sign language. Many people have seen sign language at least once in their lives. People can see it at plays, in schools, and even in some communities.
American sign language in 1814 by DR. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. Gallaudet had a deaf daughter that couldn’t hear or speak and he wanted to create a form of communication with her. He needed a lot of support from the deaf community, even though there were only a few thousands of deaf people. Because of this, …show more content…

People who are deaf are constantly struggling to get jobs and have the same opportunities as other people. Sing language has helped people find a way to communicate with the hearing and even help them to farther learn to lip read and even talk. The deaf community has received access from many classes and tutors, helping to become more aware of sign language and the community that uses it around them.
I had access to learn American sign language at my community college, and although I am not deaf I got to meet many deaf people and become more involved in the deaf community. There is a huge deaf community in the bay area that I have become a part of by going to coffee socials, and deaf chats, and even some deaf restaurants. The deaf often know sing language and knowing that I can help a deaf person by taking a few American sign language classes has helped me tremendously.
I know this is supposed to be an analysis of an artifact, but I believe sign language is almost an artifact because it is the use of your hands to help communicate and create a connection with the Deaf. People that are hard of hearing often also use American sign language and it helps them to communicate and meet other people that are in a similar situation they