Essay On Angels In America

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Angels in America American Dream:
The main discussion of the American Dream in Angels in America is equality. Angels in America is a story of a group of people, dealing with their own personal faults. Throughout the story, some of them are looked down upon more than others for their issues of homosexuality. Homosexual relationships have been considered unethical which goes against their religion and causes them to be scrutinize by others. We as a society should not look down upon individuals whose sexual preference is different from our own.
Throughout the 80s, Tony’s Kushner play comes out during a time of gay revelation and economic growth. This gave homosexuals the power and courage they needed to be more open with their sexuality. You …show more content…

They’ve had to suppress a part of them out of fear of not being accepted. Another person who is worried about his reputation is Joe. Joe Pitt is another example of a homosexual man who is afraid of coming out into a society that does not accept gays. Joe is married to Harper, who also struggles with her husband’s sexuality. Joes, in some aspects is like Roy. He is a well-respected person whose career would be affected if it ever came out that he was gay. However, Joe's situation is different from Roy's because he is a married man. At some point, he begins to experiment with his sexuality, not really sure of what path to take, mainly because of society and his religion. He becomes scared to reveal his secret life to society for the fear of resentment. When Joe eventually tells his mother Hannah, she becomes upset, but does not believe him.
Even though this was a very sensitive issue back then, I feel that everyone should be entitled to equal rights. Race, sexuality, and gender should not define a person as something more or less. Even today, there at gays still struggling to have the right to marry the person that they love. Who are we to say that you cannot marry someone you love of the same