
Essay On Animal Testing

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Animal testing is a very serious topic. Many people argue wether or not animals should be used for testing products. There are campaigns to stop animal cruelty testing, and places like New Zealand have already banned animal testing. Places like the U.S and Canada at least have a campaign, but that’s just the beginning of ending animal cruelty. In 1966, Congress passed the Animal Welfare Act. This act prevents the use of animal testing on most animals, not including birds and certain types of rats and mice for laboratory research. There are so many new ways to test products, but companies still use animals. New tests are much more accurate to tell if a product will harm a person. So why do we still use animals? Animals shouldn’t be used for product testing. The products scientists test on animals aren’t usually even used for animals, but mostly for human use. “We find no evidence that there is a need to do research of an invasive sort on chimpanzees, not now and not going into the future.” (Dr. Francis Collins, director of N.I.H.) Scientists claim they use monkeys because …show more content…

Scientists have created fake skin samples they can test on that are almost exactly like real human skin. Animals shouldn’t ever have to suffer just for humans to use their beauty products. Animals may not be smart enough to have thoughts of their own but they want the freedom to be a normal living animal, and animals should have their rights to that. If a human were to be tested on, and they didn’t want to keep being tested on they can speak and tell people they no longer or never did want that for themselves. Animals can’t speak, so we need to speak for them. If animals could talk, the ones being tested on would definitly say they don’t want to be there; pleading to be let out. So why are animals and humans treated so

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