Essay On Anthropocene

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The Earth is a beautiful place, there is no doubt about that. Now the future is questionable due to all the manufacturing and oil drilling we’ve done. However, not only those actions are to blame, we have all played our part. Humans have created a new world, the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is defined as the idea that we have entered a new epoch in Earth’s geological history. A new world that we were not designed to live in. In a way you can think of it as Earth slowly dying and witnessing and feeling everything as it happens. Eventually we would have to adapt to finish our lives out in this new world, which we are not prepared to do. As a potential environmental science major I am highly motivated by this serious topic. As you can tell …show more content…

Then there’s the question, what does it mean to be human? We are a part of someone much greater than we realized. Some might say who cares? Alone we will determine not only our fate, but our children, grandchildren, and so on. It’s a heavy burden to carry however, it is what is to be expected. Others might say that it won’t affect them so they don’t care. To contradict, facts have already proven there is drastic temperature changes leading to injuries and deaths of humans. They might even say the Earth has been here billions of years and if we were gone nothing would happen. (Crichton …show more content…

Now here were are in the 21st century surrounded by all this technology and environmental resources. Are we going to trust these new found theories of the Anthropocene, or wait until it’s entirely too late? The devastation would be much worse, from polar ice caps melting to natural disasters. The sea level is rising at 0.14 inches per year due to global warming. (Scantron 4) Although that does not seem like a lot it adds up over several years; it is equivalent to a foot over a lifetime. It will cause more problems regarding natural disasters leading to more economic troubles. All these problems are connected in a way and we won’t be ready when they hit us all at