Essay On Anti Torture

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Comparing a daunting, repetitive, or a tedious task to torture is the only time most Americans even say the word, but many of those people do not actually know what torture actually means. Torture is an act that most people connect with enemy prisoners in war camps and they never speak of the United States and their “special methods of interrogation”. “The United States has tortured many different kinds of people and those most recently being senior Al Qaeda members that Vice President Dick Cheney has confirmed” (Serrano). Torture does not always mean harming someone physically; it comes in different forms like: “sleep deprivation, rectal feeding, rectal hydration, or extreme temperatures, to gain total control over the prisoner”(Mazzetti). …show more content…

My favorite example of torture being effective is the “rough interrogation of several detainees who produced intelligence that led to location of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, terror attacks”(Broder). I enjoy reading that because Osama bin Laden planned and killed so many Americans in such inhumane ways, and we were able to find where he was trough torturing his comrades who cracked under our torture techniques. One of the biggest arguments for anti-torture is that many think it is inhumane to harm others for answers. But in my opinion no American should complain how “inhumane” torture is when terrorists are flying airplanes into buildings and making hard working innocent citizens choose to burn to death or jump 100 floors to end their lives quicker. No American should be able to say no to torture after so much American blood was shed because of the terror attacks that happened on 9/11 and on all other attacks on the United States that could have been prevented. No American should be able to say no to torture after so much American blood was shed because of the terror attacks that happened on 9/11 and on all other attacks on the United States that could have been prevented from usual information gained by