Essay On Asthma

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Asthma is a major worldwide disease that affects many people around the world. This particular disease affects the respiratory system and makes breathing very hard for an asthmatic person. An asthmatic person who goes through an asthma flare-up will experience symptoms that will make it harder to breathe such as wheezing and coughing. Those symptoms caused by asthma may impede a person’s day to day activities and lessen a person’s quality of life. Although breathing is made hard with asthma, there are numerous solutions for an asthmatic person in order to help alleviate the bothersome symptoms. Asthma can flare up through many different ways. Asthma can flare up through exercise, allergies, or by breathing in chemicals, dust, smoke, …show more content…

Around the world, asthma affects 300 million people and in the United States, 1 out of 12 people have asthma. Asthma can affect all people from all ages but it is more prevalent among children because asthma often starts during childhood. Younger children who wheeze and have respiratory infections are at the highest risk of developing asthma. Because of the children’s susceptibility to asthma, children miss 13 million school days because of asthma related symptoms. Poor children who are already at risk for failure are more likely to fall behind on their school work . Asthma has caused U.S. citizens to miss school and work days. All together, they have spent about 50 billion dollars on healthcare costs and expenses (The Impact of Asthma para 1-10). In my opinion, a cure for asthma would help save the U.S. and other countries in money that is being wasted on health care costs and missed school and work days. If a cure was made for this annoying, bothersome respiratory disease, people and children would be much more productive and would not have to waste their time at home or at a clinic trying to get better. Little progress has been made in order to finding a cure and improving treatment despite the overwhelming prevalence of the disease (The Impact of Asthma para

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