Bookstores have a long history of censoring books. We have been doing it ever since we’ve wanted people to believe what we believe. Some people believe books that should be banned are an insult to society. This mindset is completely outdated and irrelevant. First, books should not be censored because it is a violation of the 1st Amendment to freedom of speech. (Bookreporter) It is up to parents to decide whether a child should read a controversial book. People should be free to read what they want to read. According to an anonymous survey done in December of 2017 most people believe that books should not be censored in bookstores. If you believe that a book so offensive that it should be banned, then don’t read it! People have different beliefs and different ideas about everything. It is wrong to censor a book so no one can read it. …show more content…
Books teach us so many things. Things like compassion, vocabulary, social skills, and different ways of thinking. They continue to prove to us that they are the best teachers. So why are we banning books that encourage us to be unique?(Leigh). Some parents don’t want kids to read books that are so very different from what they believe, they think it will corrupt their minds. But in actuality these books open kids’ eyes to the reality of the world around us. With so much controversy about which books should be censored, we need to realize that the books are in danger. The kids reading these books aren’t the ones we have to be worried about, it’s the books they’re reading (Leigh). Kids need to be exposed to the dangers of the world eventually. Banning books is not the way to do that. If we censor every book that we think is not appropriate for children, kids will not be ready to go off on their on in the world. What we need our leaders, not uncultured