Essay On Beowulf

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The poem Beowulf shows many of the characteristic seen of Anglo-Saxon literature, specifically poetry, in the 8th century. These include honoring bravely done feats, having strong relationships with their kinsman, portraying their Christian beliefs, and rewarding their followers. An example from Beowulf can be seen when Beowulf fights and defeats the dragon. Beowulf displays his battle with the dragon and his victory starting in verse 2560; “…Beowulf the warrior lifted his shield: the outlandish thing writhed and…turned on the king, whose keen-edged sword…was already in his hand. Roused in fury, each antagonist struck terror in the other” (Heaney 173). This verse demonstrates Beowulf’s bravery in fighting the dragon, as well as his determination …show more content…

As this verse clearly states, Beowulf deals the fatal blow and wins his hard-earned victory, with the help of a loyal kinsman that sticks by his side. As well as showing the characteristic of conquering brave deeds, this event also portrays the characteristics of having strong relationships between kinsman and rewarding their followers. During the battle, many of Beowulf’s warriors ran in terror of the dragon and left Beowulf to fend for himself. Only one warrior, Wiglaf, stands by Beowulf, out of respect and duty to his tribe. This act of loyalty shows the strong bond that can exist between the warriors and their leader. Wiglaf sticks to Beowulf’s side until the very end, even helping in weakening the dragon long enough for Beowulf to deliver the final blow. Beowulf also rewards Wiglaf by allowing him to take some of the treasure from the dragon’s hoard, as well as bestowing upon him his own gold collar, gilded helmet, and his warshirt. Verses 2809 through 2812 verify this statement: “Then the king in his great-heartedness unclasped the color of gold from his neck and gave it to the young thane, telling him to use it and the warshirt and the gilded helmet well” (Beowulf

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