
Essay On Bullying In America

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"When people have the freedom to roam through cyberspace, they are exposing themselves to a world of pornography, cyberbullying, and internet monopolies. The government is supposed to protect its people from harm but with the invention of the internet, people are now opening themselves up to a world only lightly protected by the government. It is written in the Constitution that people in America have the right to speak their opinions and thoughts, but this freedom in certain situations can be abused and hurtful to other people. If people in America did not have the right to give their opinion then the idea of America being a free country would be a joke (to say the least). With the internet, we_Ñéve now created a new space for people to speak …show more content…

In 2017, Michelle Carter encouraged her boyfriend to commit suicide via text message. Carter was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for involuntary manslaughter of her boyfriend. According to Dr. R. Douglas Fields from Psychology Today, it has been proven that during adolescent years, a person's brain is still developing a personality and this development is dramatically affected by the peers and parents of that person. In the Carter case, it is clearly seen that she had encouraged her boyfriend into a deep depression which lead to him committing suicide. Cyberbullying is a constant battle on the internet that does more harm to a person than bullying in the real world. The government's control over bullying in the cyber world should be the big issue and not in the real world. In a study by the Pediatrics, they found that bullying in the real world was cut by nearly half between the years 2005 and 2014. With the rise of social media outlets such as Facebook and Snapchat, Cyberbullying is on rising with 80% of students having a smartphone that they check on a regular basis (Do

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