Research Paper On Bullying In The Workplace

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Bullying in the workforce between younger people is not the only problem in the schools, the kids learn their behaviour from their parents or students that are in another year level this is similar to the workforce, a co-worker can be starting that day and then observe how their experienced peers are behaving and think that its okay. Workplace bullying is once of the biggest issues amongst young adults who focus more on bullying a lower member of the staff rather than complete their daily workload. Bullying in the workplace is usually verbal, physical, social or psychological abuse by an employer, manager or another person from a group of people at work. Workplace bullying can happen at anytime on the worksite and anywhere such as offices …show more content…

It was found that less than 20 percent of people in the workforce would help another co-worker that is being bullied. (Workplace Bullying 2017, Purch, accessed 15 March, …show more content…

Workplaces should have a reporting organisation in place for victims, which can help ensure that the safety of workers do not have to worry about being worried about what will happen at work each day. Management would play a huge part in the workforce because its more common than most people think and the supervisors or management has to take the report seriously otherwise the victim can turn to anxiety or depression. (Florentine, S