Essay On California Drought

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How is “ California’s scarce water resource allocated?” & Anaheim's water laws. What is happening to the water in California? Where is it going ? How to save it ? Nowadays people say “ California's currently in its fifth year of severe drought.” But people forget to ask themselves is what exactly lead California to that position and why is it going through severe droughts. There are three main reasons. And the first one would be the agricultural factor, where 40% of the water is being used for agriculture, it's the second highest factor after Environment. And that's because California is the fruit basket for almost the entire world. There’s about 77,9900 farms in California that takes about 9 million acres. It's a lot and still doesn’t …show more content…

It usually varies depending whether the year is dry or wet. In wet the water use goes up to 60% but in dry it goes down. Most of the water goes to the “Wild and Scenic” rivers, Where there is crops and people ( visitors ) and the nature. Also, the other water use is for maintaining habitat for birds, fish within the rivers and streams. Because of the severe drought that happened to California so many birds and fish became endangered. That’s when the state and federal endangered species act came up. Since 2010, 38% of native freshwater species were very highly about to extinct or it was extinct. So the issue was very serious and needed to be solved fast. That’s when the California communities were ordered to decrease the use of water by using toilet mandatory cutbacks targets between 8% to 36% depending on each community, also for the environment water needed to be reduced. The decrease of water saved more than 400,000 acre-feet of water, that could be used for the years to come. When California went through one of the most severe droughts in 2010, people noticed that using water more than needed didn’t just affect the environment or agriculture, urban it affect the economy of the whole state, it costed people’s lives, houses and animals too. So water is a major factor in our of lives and it's connected with everything. We should protect it by reducing the our use of the

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