Essay On Campus Rape

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Introduction Sexual assault is a serious and widespread problem in America: “1 out of 6 American women” have experienced sexual assaults during their lifetime (U.S. Department of Justice, 1998), but only 40% of incidents were reported on (U.S. Department of Justice, 2012). On college campuses, the data is also troubling: an estimated 20% to 25% women suffer completed or attempted rape during their academic years but more than 95% of them kept silent (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000). Anti-rape advocates argue that rape culture, pervasive in universities, is at fault for the prevalence of rape on campuses. Rape culture reflects the normalization of rape and encourages the possibility of this behavior (Burnett et. al, 2009). This essay will discuss the level of damage sexual assault causes on women and several factors that contribute to campus rape. Then it will explain a relatively effective method …show more content…

Thus, educational programs should also be provided for men to change their stereotypes concerning rape culture and sexual assault. Fortunately, it is taking some progress (Cassel, 2012). Therefore, this essay argues that men should also learn to abandon unhelpful ideas brought by the rape culture and be aware of what rape truly means, because some men may regard what they are doing as normal sexual behaviors rather than crime. In high school, all male students should be required to take courses related to rape culture and rape issues, such as what a “formal consent” is. Also, they need to understand how to express masculinity in a healthy manner and the appropriate way to socialize with girls. This will increase men’s awareness and accurate understanding on rape culture and its devastating impacts on women. All these courses should be taught skillfully to convince and reorientate male students with regard to their sexual

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