Essay On Campus Rape

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Campus rape cases have increased all of the U.S over the past decades. Campus Rape is misunderstood and there is not enough education about it. Rape is when there someone was not given consent and penetrate someone by their sex organ or a foreign object of the vagina, anus or mouth. Students of campus do not have knowledge of rape or the consent because schools do not emphasize the importance of sexual education (Kingkade). There is a lack of comprehension when it comes to consent. Communication is a substantial component when investigating a sexual assault case. The person that establishes the sexual activity is responsible to request consent. There has to be a mutual understanding of what is happening which means body movements or nonverbal …show more content…

“Experts and Greek insiders agree that a competitive, testosterone-driven environment fueled by alcohol and casual sex is part of fraternities' sexual assault problem. So are the large-scale parties at fraternity houses, which can be ideal surroundings for predatory behavior.Two studies in 2007 and 2009 published in the NASPA Journal suggest that fraternity members are more likely than non-fraternity members to commit rape. One of those studies found that women in sororities are 74 percent more likely to experience rape than other college women.”(Carone). Fraternities usually have themes for their parties that require girls to dress provocatively and guys have competitions where they see who can get the most girls to have sex with them. Fraternities think that girls are just a game and they do not acknowledge that they are actually humans and can suffer from emotional, mental or physical. They are very competitive and “getting laid” is one of the key factors. There are schools like University of Pennsylvania that have certain people that go to parties and watch the students to make sure that if anybody is too intoxicated to control themselves that they are helped and not taken advantage of

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