Essay On Chivalry

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CHIVALRY IS DEAD IN MODERN MEN The term “chivalry” emerged around the 10th century A.D. in France, referring to the medieval institution of knighthood that developed between 1170 and 1220. The code of chivalry back then represented a combination of Christian and military ideas of morality. As time progressed, the real meaning of the word disappeared and was mated with the fancies of love that resulted in a new definition that stressed on social and moral values. Chivalry got romanticized. The term is now popularly known as the “honorable and polite way of behaving, especially towards women”. The modern day definition of chivalry targets men, specifically, in society. The phrase “knight in shining armor” is used to reference a man who possesses …show more content…

We want what we want right at the moment we figure out that we want it (Hudson, 2013). Men are willingly giving up one of the most important things in life: the waiting period. It all boils down to the realization that men simply could not tolerate it if their wants and urges are not satisfied instantly. In the past, it was scandalous to have sex before marriage. Anyone caught doing the deed would be publicly shamed and shunned from society. Sex was considered a sacred ceremony that should only be done if two people have vowed before God, if two people have pronounced their love for each other in front of the altar. This was instilled in the minds of both women and men, thus teaching both of them to wait for the right time. Men have grown to control their desires and have mastered the art of waiting. In today’s generation, sex is always the answer. It is common for two people in a relationship to have sex simply because they are together. According to a data survey dated back in 2001, men are mostly the instigators of the act. Reasons such as desire, lust, boredom and love came out as top answers to the question. When asked, men just usually shrug and say “It felt right at that moment to do it, and so we did it”. In most cases, the women responded that the men were “in the