The Pros And Cons Of High School Cheerleaders

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A majority of high school cheerleaders dream to be a part of a college cheer team. The level of difficulty goes up along with the number of rules and regulations go down. Even though both high school and college cheerleaders cheer for the same reasons, like getting the crowned hype for the game and supporting the players, they have many differences that we don't notice. At almost all football and basketball games, home or away,cheerleaders will be seen on the sidelines. Cheerleaders have two main goals while performing and standing on the sideline, to get the crowd hype and to support the players. Cheerleaders are the main supporters of their athletic teams, winning or losing. They have to cheer and chant along with getting the fans on their feet to cheer with them. College gives the choice of coed or all girls if they have both. High schools have a JV and varsity. Having these kind of teams gives people goals and can insure that each team will be successful. Coed is not just college, though, many high schools have coed cheer teams as well. There are usually a whole lot more boys on a college team, rather than on a high school team because there is less peer judgement in college. …show more content…

The school’s fight song is usually always played after a touchdown. As the crowd screams the song with full enthusiasm, the cheerleaders will dance with huge smiles and a whole lot of spirit. During quarters and time outs, cheerleaders will breakout the signs and loud voices for the crowd involvement cheers. Both high school and college cheerleaders take full pride in these moments and cheer to the best of their